Lauren Beard

Software Engineer

Self-believer || Strategist || Peace Keeper || Empathizer || Optimist

profile pic

Who I Am:

About Lauren I am a book-loving, people-engaging, problem-solving, world-traveling, free-diving Software Engineer. When I'm not holding my breath under water, I am constantly looking at the world with a critical eye, contemplating all the ways that things can be improved. I want to be the kind of person who is regarded as "someone you should know." I am always striving to be inspirational, encouraging, resourceful, and helpful.

freediving with dolphins

Languages, Libraries, & APIs

As a Software Engineer, adaptability and being a quick learner are my strongest assets in an ever-changing industry. Below are just a few of the languages that I have worked with, and I'm looking forward to adding more to my collection!

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Python
  • Node.js
  • GoogleMaps API
  • PostgreSQL


Technologies Implemented: I have enjoyed using JavaScript, React/Redux, Python, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, HTML, Flask, Express, Node.js, Docker, and Heroku in my projects.



A map-based web application utilizing GoogleMaps API to address the lack of a central database for reporting and tracking missing Indigenous women and girls. React, Redux, and hooks were used for the front end development of this app. Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy were implemented in the back end.

**This is for demonstration purposes only. If you need to file a missing persons report, please contact your local authorities**

Snack Overflow


A stackOverflow-inspired web app with a tasty twist utilizing React/Redux, Python, SQLAlchemy, Docker, and hosted on Heroku



A web app inspired by Instructables for those who like to break things down instead of build things up. This project was built with JavaScript, Express.js, PostgreSQL, and Pug, and served up on Heroku.

Get in touch

I am available for work! Feel free to message me, send me an email, or find me using the icons located in the 'Elsewhere' section. I look forward to collaborating with you!